Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Jenny comes home from Germany

Jenny and her sis Astrid came for a very short visit back in June .. It was so nice to have Jenny home again. Jenny came to live with us as an exchange student for the school year 4 years ago. They are beautiful. 2 years ago Jenny and Andy came to stay with us for 4 weeks. This time she brought her sis.. (Jenny is setting on swing - Astrid is standing.... the swing is in our yard. )
All of Jenny's family are in the fashion industry. Jenny travels all over to purchase items. For instance she goes to Italy to buy shoes and purses. The family use to own this business but recently sold it. http://www.cinquestore.de/ Check it out. He grandfather and father have passed down the talent to Jenny and Astrid. While they were in the states they visited New York and Chicago. Jenny always had the greatest clothes. If you have ever considered having an exchange student Please look into it. I have loved all my kids. We have learned just as much from them as they have from us. Kids from all over the world are waiting to experience your way of life.
Jenny and I in our house.

Jenny and I at the air port.
While we were setting out in the yard the Amish Church wagon was on the road. The Amish have church at each other houses. Every 2 weeks the wagons are pulled to the next house for Sunday Church. They have lots church benches and other supplies in them. It was a beautiful windy day and and the sound of the horses clippy-clopping added to it. My Jenny was home ......

1 comment:

Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

Deb, how fun to have her back for a visit! I was struck by how much you like alike!! You really could be mother and daughter!!! Fantastic! I'm so happy that you had a wonderful visit!