Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 the year to be Fine and Kind !! Just call me Nosey

Just being 'NOSEY' what you doing in 2009!!? The year of being Fine and Kind 2009!! orrrr what are you really glad or sad to kiss good by to about 2008?


Sharon's Cottage Quilts said...

What Fabulous Pictures!! I love them! It's still too early for me to figure the direction I'm heading :-) I just awoke to a cold, grey morning here in No. IL. What's new?? Hee Hee. I think I'll take my mom to the movies today! I hope you have a good day too! Keep warm! Your pal, Sharon

Lona said...

LOL!!! No licking of the camera.

. said...

Hi love your photos! Made me laugh. Hugs, Denise